Band 6 Specialist Recovery Practitioner - NorthSomerset

Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHSTrust
3 days ago
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---------------------------------------- Job overviewThe North Somerset Recovery Service have an opportunity for a Band6 Specialist Practitioner. The successful applicant would beworking within the North Somerset Recovery Team at Coast ResourceCentre as a keyworker delivering care and support interventionswithin the Your Team, Your Conversation, Your Plan framework. Weare a friendly supportive team who are passionate about improvingthe lives of service users with complex mental health needs. Thispost is open to newly qualified social workers. In line with AWPtrust policy all newly qualified social workers (NQSW) will berecruited initially at Band 5 level, regardless of advertised rolebanding. All NQSW’s are expected to successfully complete theirASYE within 2 years of employment, unless there are exceptionalcircumstances in which case it may be extended for a further 2years. If you have been appointed to an advertised Band 6 role thiswill be an automatic progression, following confirmation of yoursuccessful ASYE completion. If you have been appointed to a Band 5post you will then be eligible to apply for a subsequent Band 6vacancy upon successful ASYE completion. Main duties of the job Thesuccessful applicant will be working in an integrated health andsocial care team which focuses on the delivery of recovery basedinterventions, and self-management. We are a forward thinkingservice and for many years have implemented NICE guidelinesrecommended ways of working with service users with mental healthdisorders such as; - Emotionally unstable/borderline personalitydisorders. We provide an evidence based model of care calledStructured Clinical Management. You will be offered a three daytraining package on how to deliver this model along withspecialised individual and group supervision. - Psychosis pathwaydisorders, using CBTp interventions; we have an 8 day trainingprogram to help us deliver this intervention and clinicalsupervision. - alongside other interventions such as; Familyinterventions, CAMHS transition work and therapeutic groups. Youwill have good working relationships without Psychology servicesand support from our Consultant Psychiatrists to support you todevelop recovery focussed care and safety management plans. Youwill have regular supervision, and work alongside Nurses,Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and Support staff. Workingfor our organisation We are AWP (Avon and Wiltshire Mental HealthPartnership NHS Trust): a diverse organisation with over 5,000dedicated staff providing inpatient and community-based mentalhealth care. We provide services from a range of locations toapproximately 1.8 million people living in Bath and North EastSomerset (B&NES), Bristol, North Somerset, SouthGloucestershire, Swindon, across the county of Wiltshire and inparts of Dorset. Our outstanding people promote mental health andwellbeing. The expertise and resources within AWP are dedicated toa person-centred approach for those who use our services and forall employees. We recognise that happy and fulfilled employees givebetter care. At AWP we actively encourage applicants from allbackgrounds; we are particularly keen to encourage applicationsfrom people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds,those with disabilities and from the LGBTQ+ community. We wantpeople to bring their unique blend of experiences, backgrounds,perspectives and knowledge to AWP, as diversity makes us stronger.Detailed job description and main responsibilities Key Result AreasTo undertake the full range of activities required to deliverongoing comprehensive mental health assessment for service userswith severe and enduring mental health needs living in thecommunity and in a range of settings. This will include: - The useof standardised assessment tools, i.e., the Cluster AllocationSupport Tool (CAST), KGV - Recovery Star - History, strengths andaspirations - Mental state - Impact of culture and diversity -Functional needs - The needs of family and carer - Evaluation ofrisk - Physical health - Complicating factors - The interventionsand treatments required to enable positive change. - Social careneeds - Safeguarding and public protection - Capacity under theMental Capacity Act To be responsible for developing delivering andreviewing comprehensive and complex treatment programmes usingappropriate frameworks in line with evidence–based practice,including strategies to manage risk for service users with complexneeds and carers, bringing in other resources as required. To actas care coordinator for service users with the most complex needs,also providing defined interventions to individuals on otherworkers caseloads. To plan, deliver and evaluate defined,specialist therapeutic interventions as indicated in the assessmentprocess, in line with personal recovery plans, including to serviceusers who maybe on other caseloads. This might include: Individualor group therapeutic intervention Psychological treatments such asSCM, CBT, DBT approaches, family interventions Psychosocialinterventions Motivational and coping enhancement strategies.Medication management Interventions under the Mental Health Act, Todeliver a range of defined activities/interventions to improve thecarers‘ ability to support the service user and to enable them intheir relationship with the service user. To develop and maintaingood partnership working with other services throughout alltreatment episodes, including regular liaison within Primary HealthCare Team, inpatient and intensive services, day services,voluntary sector and with nominated carers/advocates. Incollaboration with service users and carers, to be responsible forfacilitating the development of complex comprehensive crisis plans,rapid access plans, advance statements etc, involving otheragencies such as primary care etc where appropriate. To personallybuild and lead others to build, hope inspiring relationships withservice users, which acknowledge the personal journey of eachperson, and focus on strengths and aspirations to allow thecreation of meaningful personal recovery plans. To be responsiblefor maintaining own workload, as well as planning the workload ofothers, on a day-to-day basis, ensuring that time is prioritisedeffectively, utilising of electronic resources such asdiaries/scheduling. To be responsible for the protection ofindividuals from abuse and harm in line with local safeguardingpolicies and procedures, including working with others in theplanning development and review of protection plans, ensuring theappropriate sharing of information. Coordinating and undertakingprotective interventions which may be required in the protection ofothers, as outlined in the protection plan, taking individualaction where indicated. Personally and leading others tocollaboratively and sensitively work with individuals, with a rangeof mental health needs to develop skills to manage their ownhealth, in accordance with their personal recovery plan, byactively promoting and using approaches which are affirming, buildon strengths, identify past positive experiences and success, anduse small steps to move towards the persons goal. Undertake activeclinical leadership and supervision within the team, covering forthe manager and colleagues as required. To maintain the singlehealth and social care record, ensuring both paper and electronicrecords are kept up to date in accordance with professional andorganisational standards. Report and record within agreedtimeframes, all activity relating to information reporting andperformance requirements. To participate in management, caseloadand clinical supervision in accordance with trust policy. Toprovide mentoring/training for others in relevant practice areas,according to professional requirements, taking a collaborativeapproach to practice development and evidence-based care.Specifically this means providing a safe and effective learningenvironment for the mentoring and supervising of students,participating in their learning objectives and assessmentsDemonstrate responsibility for developing own practice in line withprofessional qualifications and for contributing to the developmentof others, by making use of and providing, effective feedback,supervision, coaching and appraisal. Monitor and maintain health,safety and security of self and others, undertaking assessments andtaking appropriate action where required. Develop own knowledge andpractice, and contribute to the development of others, making useof available feedback, supervision and appraisal to identifyappropriate areas of development for this work role, takingresponsibility for accessing identified learning and trainingopportunities. Lead, maintain and participate in practices whichenable effective team working. To participate in on call rotas asrequired. To participate in local arrangements in order to ensureconsistent care to service users across the local geography. Personspecification Essential Essential criteria - Must hold aProfessional registration - Must hold a valid driver’s license& have access to your own transport Desirable criteria -Substantial experience in adult mental health - Ability to workflexibly throughout the working week Essential Essential criteria -Ability to be able to deliver a range of therapeutic interventionsDesirable criteria - Relevant post registration qualifications egCBT, NMP, AMHP We are proud to be fostering a diverse workforcethat reflects our communities. A key commitment to this isimproving staff representation from Black, Asian and MinorityEthnic communities, those from the LGBTQ+ communities, people with‘lived-experience’ of mental health conditions and people livingwith disabilities,– we are a ‘Disability Confident Employer’offering a guaranteed interview to Disabled applicants who meet theessential criteria. This includes people with a variety ofdisabilities and neurodivergent conditions (for example autism,ADHD, sensory, physical and learning disabilities). We encourageapplications from people who wish to work on a flexible basis,recognising that flexibility may mean a range of different workingpatterns and hours, we do our utmost to work with our staff to meettheir needs and the needs of our service users. Click here to viewour applicant guidance Please apply to join us, we would love tohear from you. Any personal details you supply to us are kept safein line with the General Data Protection Regulations. Advertsnormally close for application a few minutes before midnight on theclosing date and we will let you know if we are offering you aninterview by email via our recruitment system ‘TRAC’. We contactall applicants within 4 weeks after the closing date, so pleasecheck your emails regularly once you have submitted yourapplication; you are welcome to contact us, via the TRAC system, ifyou have any queries about your application. Generative artificialintelligence (AI) describes algorithms that can be used to producenew content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, andvideos. It is developing all the time and is now being used as asupport mechanism for all kinds of content-based creations. Pleasenote the use of AI is monitored and if you have used it in yourapplication you are required to declare this.

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