▷ Urgent: IT Consultant - Platinion
Who We Are The Boston Consulting Group partners withleaders in business and society to tackle their most importantchallenges and capture their greatest opportunities. BCG was thepioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963. Today, wehelp clients with total transformation-inspiring complex change,enabling organizations to grow, building competitive advantage, anddriving bottom-line impact. To succeed, organizations mustblend digital and human capabilities. Our diverse, global teamsbring deep industry and functional expertise and a range ofperspectives to spark change. BCG delivers solutions throughleading-edge management consulting along with technology anddesign, corporate and digital ventures-and business purpose. Wework in a uniquely collaborative model across the firm andthroughout all levels of the client organization, generatingresults that allow our clients to thrive.About BCG Platinion BCG Platinion's presence spans across the globe, withoffices in Asia, Europe, and South and North America. We achievedigital excellence for clients with sustained solutions to the mostcomplex and time-sensitive challenge. We guide clients into thefuture to push the status quo, overcome tech limitations, andenable our clients to go further in their digital journeys thanwhat has ever been possible in the past. At BCG Platinion, wedeliver business value through the innovative use of technology ata rapid pace. We roll up our sleeves to transform business,revolutionize approaches, satisfy customers, and change the gamethrough Architecture, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation,Enterprise Application and Risk functions. We balance vision with apragmatic path to change transforming strategies into leading-edgetech platforms, at scale.Practice Area BCG Platinionlaunched in Germany in 2000 to add deep technical expertise to theBoston Consulting Group’s existing capabilities. Today, ourpresence spans across the globe, with offices in Asia, Europe, andSouth and North America. Our New York-based North American teambegan in 2014 and in 2017 acquired MAYA Design, aPittsburgh-based digital design and innovation lab, to grow ourcapabilities around technology and design. We support ourclients’ total digital transformation through technology, design,cybersecurity, and risk management & financial engineeringcapabilities. And together with BCG, BCG Platinion’sinterdisciplinary team of technical experts enable customizedtechnical solutions and accelerate delivery value through newbusiness platforms, application consolidations, and major systemimplementations. What You'll Do At BCG Platinion we're keen toengage with experienced, passionate and creative technologyconsultants & IT professionals who will help us unlock ourclient's digital potential and ignite change. Meaningful andimpactful work is at the core of everything we do. We build uniquesolutions to the complexities our clients face, while providing ourpeople with opportunities to explore and grow. A community ofleading experts, BCG Platinion team members have a naturalspringboard for professional growth and deeper opportunities toexcel. As an IT Consultant, you will work in aninternational environment, closely with our client's leadershipteams to understand their key challenges, define IT strategies, winbuy-in for your recommendations and collaborate with BCG case teammembers to transform client potential into performance withhigh-impact assignments. You will deploy customized ITstrategies, digital platforms and architecture in order to leveragethe digital potential of our customers with state of the art toolssuch as cloud computing, AI, blockchain, microservices andcontainerization. You will be responsible for specific parts of theproject and will evaluate and coach our clients' technology teams,manage quality and risk while maintaining client expectations andescalations. You'll develop ground-breaking projects by enablingour clients to effectively use agile methods and modern approachesin the context of strategic IT implementation. You will workon a variety of technology topics, applying your technicalconsulting skills to strategic technology questions. You will alsobe supported by an extensive training curriculum, plustechnology-specific training and mentoring to help build upon youtechnical skills. You will also help with project proposals, clientcare, building relationships with peers and identifying newbusiness opportunities. Finally as an IT Consultant you willcontribute to the Practice Area development and help to build theBCG brand as a key member of the case team. What You'll Bring * 3to 6 years of experience in IT Strategy and consulting,professional software development or IT project management * PriorIT consulting experience is a highly desiarable * Strong technicalexpertise working with Data and Cloud technologies along withexperience in at least two of the following areas: * ITModernisation; Solution & Enterprise Architecture * Banking& Insurance Platforms * People, HR, Collaboration Platforms *Marketing, Sales & Service Platforms (CRM) * Physical &Digital Channels (Including Mobile) * ERP (SAP) &ManufacturingPlatforms * Applied Intelligence, Machine Learning, RPA, Chatbots,Blockchain, IOT * DevOps & Bimodal IT * A strategic thinker,entrepreneurial, able to work creatively and analytically in aproblem-solving environment * Outstanding analytical and conceptualskills, strong customer focus and mental agility with a resultsorientation * Experience in legacy environments and modernapproaches to technology * Track record of Agile consulting andadvisory with experience in Digital and Agile transformations atscale * Experience in IT organisation and process development *Experience in the organisation of workshops at peer level andfacilitating in client meetings * Strong business acumen; can framecomplex problems in appropriate business contexts * Ability to workunder pressure and willingness to travel to clients world-wide * AUniversity degree with above average academic performance in a STEMrelated field or business management Boston Consulting Group is anEqual Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receiveconsideration for employment without regard to race, color, age,religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression,national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any othercharacteristic protected under national, provincial, or local law,where applicable, and those with criminal histories will beconsidered in a manner consistent with applicable state and locallaws. BCG is an E - Verify Employer. (Click here)( for more informationon E-Verify.
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