Can t find the rightSoftware Engineer / Developer role for you Join our talent pool andwe ll contact you about future opportunities when theyarise.
Lacorta Resourcing is aTechnology Recruitment Firm based in the City of London serving aclient base across theUK Mainland Europe & NorthAmerica.We are a leading Technology Staffing Consultancytrusted by the most respected global organisations to recruit thebest Software Engineering Talent.
We arealways searching for top tier software engineers and have a numberof specific Software Engineertalent pools (C C Java C# /.NET Python Web / Javascript / Typescript AI / Machine LearningData Engineering Blockchain Integrations Quantitative Analyst QA /Software Testing). Please send us your profile either viathis advert or register on our website:
Sectors we offer development lifecycle rolesinclude: Finance AI Blockchain Gaming Security Cloud Storage SaaSvendors and many more. We work with software vendors companies withinhouse development needs and consulting firms. Typical roles weoffer are: Software Engineer Application Developer SoftwareArchitect Testing / Performance Engineer Lead / Principal / SeniorDeveloper Development Manager R&D / IT Head Tech VP and CTOroles.
Weare always on the lookout for quality candidates with the followingskills:
- Softwareengineering related academic background (preferred but notessential) so that you have a base level understanding of thesoftware development lifecycle how software evolves and thequalities of well writtensoftware.
- Expertisein one or more major programming languages and associatedframeworks or libraries (e.g. C C Java C# .NET Python GolangJavascript Typescript Swift Kotlinetc
- Designpatterns the ability to contribute to software design discussionsat an object or class level and then implement thosedesigns.
- Qualitycore programming / implementation skills. We are interested inworking with candidates that know what it takes to write softwarewith all the good qualities like being robust scalable thread safeextensible reliable maintainableetc.
Ourclients offer permanent Software Engineering roles at all levelsthroughout the UK Mainland Europe and North America. The majorityof our roles are on a hybrid working basis but we also have fullyofficebased and remote / flexibleworking positions. Basic salariestypically range from 50k to 250k plus wide ranging benefits andbonuses. For very highlyskilled candidates salaries can oftenexceed this stated range.
If you areinterested in working with us and furthering your softwareengineering career please register your profile with us today. Wewill reach out as soon as a suitable rolearises!
We areparticularly on the lookout for quality candidates with thefollowing skills: Software engineering related academic background(preferred but not essential), so that you have a base levelunderstanding of the software development lifecycle, how softwareevolves, and the qualities of well written software. Expertise inone or more major programming languages and associated frameworksor libraries (e.g. C, C++, Java, C#, .NET, Python, Golang,Javascript, Typescript, Swift, Kotlin, etc Design patterns - theability to contribute to software design discussions at an objector class level, and then implement those designs. Quality coreprogramming / implementation skills. We are interested in workingwith candidates that know what it takes to write software with allthe good qualities like being robust, scalable, thread safe,extensible, reliable, maintainable, etc.